How to Choose the Right Tree Service
The Industry is going though a lot of changes, the internets way to bring people closer has also effected this industry. We now have you tube schooled tree guys sharing the space, with what could be potentially great education and poor incorrect practices under their belt. As a home owner you do not need to become a tree expert but you do need to ask questions. Yes all the typical ones about who you are hiring – insurance and knowledge.
but. in my mind alot of guys are doing what looks like a good job, but is bare min. some time bare minimum is what you need and other times you need to think 6 months out. Now that you have touched a tree, either cut it down or trimmed it you have put it into some kind of shock. If the tree is the type grows back you need to kill- the tree in the soil. cutting it down and leaving an exposed stump sometimes is not enough. if you cut a tree back too much with a prune depending on the species the tree might start putting up shoots.
I come across a number of properties where there is a tree issue cased maybe by a neighbor-or adjacent landowner- or someone previously medaling with a tree in a incorrect form.—- fungus growing—-shoots shooting up—-cutting roots of live trees—- blowdown from neighbor taking down wind protection trees— rotten trees from the inside out— green trees that are rotten.
If you’re looking to hire a professional tree service to do some work around the yard. Maybe you have some broken limbs, an overgrown tree, or you need a tree removed. If you’ve never hired a tree service before and you don’t know anyone personally that can help you decide which tree service would be the best one for the job.